Friends of My Little Transformer!
This page is dedicated to the Friends of
MLTF. Here we'll post fan art, fan films, and other fun stuff
people send us. If you have anything you'd like to send us,
let us know at admin@mylittletransformer.com!
Fan Videos

"MLT Music Videos" by TM2 Dinobot
TM2 Dinobot whipped up some great music videos for us. Enjoy!
[Click the Pics to View] |

"MLT Alternate Theme" by TM2 Dinobot
A little something TM2 Dinobot sent us.
It's so simple it's great!
[Click the Pic to View] |

MLP Videos by eludicate.com
These are My Little
Pony shorts inspired in part
by MLTF by Marie and Britt, starting out with MLP mayhem on
scooters! Enjoy!
MLTF "Design-an-Ad" Contest

In April 2005 we held a contest for
advertisement designs for MLTF. The winners were (left to right)
Nightmare Stallion with the grand prize, and Pixel Pony, Fastbilly1,
and Justin B. as our runner-ups. Feel free to use the posters and
great job! (Click the posters to enlarge).
Little Transformer" created by Mary Cahela & Silas Zee
2004-. The Transformers and My Little Pony property of
Hasbro, Inc. All other materials used on this site and videos
are property of their respective owners. No copyright,
trademark, and/or ownership infringement is intended. This
site is for entertainment purposes only.