of the first questions people ask us is "How can
I be a voice on MLT?!"
We have a group of regulars we go to for voices, but we're always
looking for
new voices on an episode-by-episode basis.
are some characters we're wanting voice work for right now:

you're interested in recording some lines for any of these characters,
send a sample to admin@mylittletransformer.com.
We can use almost any type of audio file, but .wma, .mp3 or .wav
are preferred. ^_^
update this page
what characters we're needing a voice for so keep checking back!
"My Little Transformer"
by Mary Cahela & Silas Zee 2004-. The
Transformers and My Little Pony property of Hasbro, Inc. All
other materials used on this site and videos are property of their
respective owners. No copyright, trademark, and/or ownership
infringement is intended. This site is for entertainment
purposes only.