
Congratulations!  You've found our little Easter Egg!

We here at MLT are wild about a little musical that's been taking Broadway by storm for the last couple of years known as Wicked.

For Mary's birthday, Silas whipped up a little video starring She-Ra, Evil-Lyn, and a few friends from the MLT cast performing one of our favorite numbers from the show.  We thought this would be a treat for fans of our show and the musical, and if you aren't...welcome to the wonderful world of Wicked!  ^_^

Download MLT's Wicked (36.6 MB)
(Available in .mpg Format Only)


"My Little Transformer" created by Mary Cahela & Silas Zee 2004-2006.  The Transformers and My Little Pony property of Hasbro, Inc.  All other materials used on this site and videos are property of their respective owners.  No copyright, trademark, and/or ownership infringement is intended.  This site is for entertainment purposes only.



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